Overview of the Youth Ministry at CVCC
The mission of the Conejo Valley Youth Ministry is to encourage and equip young people to become lifelong Christ followers through coming to know Jesus, learning to follow Him, and living to serve others. To learn more about the youth ministry mission statement and ministry focus areas please click here.
CVCC is a great place to grow in faith in God and friendship with peers. Middle School and High School students currently have three opportunities to meet weekly. Besides our Sunday morning combined Bible classes, we meet in small groups called “pods” to see friends, encourage one another, and build community each week. Because we are in the midst of a pandemic, we are staying in compliance with the state guidelines for our youth group gatherings and activities. When we are indoors, we wear masks to show care for one another.
Weekly Times of Discussion, Fellowship, and Prayer
During the school year, there are weekly meetings for High School students as well as Middle School Students for fellowship, discussion, devotions, and prayer as well as a Sunday morning Bible class. During the summer, there are a wide variety of opportunities for our teens to gather for fun, fellowship, and deepening of their faith. Click on the calendar link below to see the various activities planned for the upcoming quarter!
Sunday Morning Bible Class
Class Leader: Travis Moore
Sundays 9-10am
Throughout the summer, our class time will be devoted to a great study of 1 Samuel, times of prayer, and times of encouraging one another.
2023-24 Winter Calendar
Click Winter Calendar to access the activities scheduled for CVCC teens. If you are not a part of CVCC, please contact our youth minister, Travis Moore to learn more.
Annual Summer Mission Trips
The CVCC youth group has a 30+ year tradition of going on an summer mission trip for the purpose of working together to help bring about a blessing to a family that the family would not be able to accomplish on their own. These trips include both state-side clean up help following natural disasters as well as building a house from ground up to help a family in Mexico have a more adequate place to call home.
To fund these trips, the teens orchestrate fellowship events (involving food and entertainment) for the congregation. It is a wonderful way to encourage cross-generational relationships within the congregation while making fun memories and tying them to Christ.
Mentoring Program
Mentor groups meet monthly for lunch after service. The mentoring program provides a safe place for our kids to be transparent, receive encouragement from older members, share stories of life and faith, and be challenged to develop spiritual habits that help them grow in their walk with Christ.
Annual Retreats
All of our student retreats attempt to make positive memories with and for our young people and tie these positive times and memories to Christ. There is always a focus on building relationship with one another and growing to understand, praise, and adore God on a more intimate level.
High School Students:
The high school students take a retreat to Pismo in the fall as well as a retreat to the Big Bear in the winter to spend a weekend together — building friendships, playing games, singing, praying, and growing together as a group. In the summer, our high school students are encouraged to attend Teen Camp at Camp Maranatha in Idyllwild where they spend a week with members of youth groups all across Southern California.
Middle School Students:
The middle school students have an annual weekend retreat in November called IMPACT. At this retreat, they have an opportunity to deepen friendships with members from Conejo as well as members from other churches throughout Southern California whom they’ve met at their summer camp in Idyllwild which is called King’s Kamp.
All-Group Day or Weekend Events
Throughout the year, there are events that our students (middle school and high school students) will attend together. Some of these include:
• Springfest in Bakersfield
• Beach Days at Dockweiler Beach
• Extravagodyssey at CVCC
Service and Outreach
Besides the Annual Summer mission trip mentioned above, the CVYM has been involved with a variety of outreach efforts both in the immediate area and around the world over the past decades. Below is a sampling of types of outreach efforts carried out by the teens of the Conejo Youth Ministry:
• Christmas Stockings for the homeless
• Blessing Bags for the homeless
• Walk for Water (to help fund the drilling of a well in India)
• Caroling for older church members
• 30-Hour Fast
• Tutoring at the Elementary school near the church building
• Game Night at Many Mansions
If you are in the Conejo Valley and would like to learn more about how you can get involved with our church, please reach out to one of our ministers:
Travis Moore (Youth Minister)
Haylie Douglas (Children’s Minister)
Andy Wall (Preaching Minister)
Join us and learn more about what Jesus meant by the words in John 10:10, “I have come that you may have life, and have it abundantly.”
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