
Talk With Me

It’s hard to absorb the steady stream of negative local, regional, national, and international news and not feel powerless in a world of seemingly endless despair, corruption, violence, and war. We have to work overtime to resist the twin temptations of hopeless...

The Keys of Leadership

When I was a sophomore in college, I got cut from the baseball team. The door that I wanted so desperately to stay wide open, allowing me to walk through to become a professional baseball player, was closed abruptly. I didn’t know what to do or even who I was....

Looking Out for Mom’s Needs

In a survey conducted by Mother’s of Preschoolers, a thousand moms were asked what they need the most. Some of their needs included: Adult conversation. To know that I’m normal. Time off. To know that I am a good mother. Time with my husband. Time with God. A...

Happy 50th Anniversary Conejo!

Every local congregation has an origin story and every origin story involves people with a dream. According to one document by early Conejo Church member Morris Womack, there were church leaders at the Camarillo Church of Christ as early as the summer of 1968 who had...