Palm Sunday
The first day of Holy week
The day Jesus entered Jerusalem
To begin the climactic finale of his earthly ministry
Palm Sunday, a day full of paradoxes
A king riding into Jerusalem on a colt
The one who is acclaimed with shouts of “Hosannah!” will soon be
reviled with cries of “Crucify, crucify him!”
Yet if these were silent, the very stones of the Holy City would cry out
By Good Friday, Jesus will be hanging on a cross
the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world
God’s beloved son who grants everlasting life to all who would believe
By Easter Sunday, Jesus will be at the center of either
the greatest hoax ever perpetuated or
the most marvelous mystery in human history
Within this week that the Church traditionally calls “Holy,” Jesus embodies the contours of the Kingdom of God:
Calling for his Father’s house to become a house of prayer for all nations
Establishing a eucharistic meal in which all who humbly seek Christ are welcome
Agonizing within himself as he prays for Abba’s will, not his own, to be done
May we, O Church, endeavor this week
To pause from our business
To appreciate the significance of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection
To engage in acts of loving-kindness
And render honor, worship, and praise to the Lord of Life
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