As this year draws to a close, we hope that you will join us for times of worship, fellowship, service, and celebration.

Armloads of Love. For many years, the congregation has been blessed to share food items with families in our neighborhood on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. It is a very meaningful and tangible way that our members can be a blessing to others as they have been blessed throughout their life.
Advent Bible Classes. Each Sunday at 9am, Bible classes are available for all ages. During Advent, the adults will meet in one combined class. Join this time of meeting and discussing the coming of Jesus into the world.

Jesus’ Birthday Party. We are super excited to announce that our advent event this year is a birthday party for Jesus on Friday, December 6 from 5:30-7:30pm. We’ll have lots of fun stations, pizza dinner, and a sweet treat. We’re asking that each family bring a gift for a child in the age range of infant through age 21 to be donated to Raising Hope. The gifts will be placed in Raising Hope’s toy shop where older siblings who live at Raising Hope can go to pick a gift for their younger sibling. Please do not wrap the gift. (If you want to place it in a gift bag because it’s a birthday party, that would be fine.) Raising Hope has suggested a price range of about $20 for each gift.
RSVP through so we can have an accurate count for food. We can’t wait to see you at Jesus’ birthday party!
Carols and Candlelight. On Sunday, December 8, beginning at 6pm, you are invited to our annual Carols and Candlelight Service. This special service will feature the singing of favorite holiday carols, the lighting of candles, the reading of the birth narratives of Christ, and the renewing experience of the wonder of Christ’s radiant coming. We will enjoy cookies and fellowship following the service. Be sure to invite friends and loved ones to this favorite holiday tradition as we enjoy the season of Advent together.

Youth Ministry Christmas Party. On Saturday, December 14, the youth group will gather for their annual Christmas party. The party will be at the Daringers’ home and will begin at 5:30pm. Each student who comes is asked to bring a coat or jacket to share with someone who does not have one through the organization “Coats for Kids.” They are also asked to bring a gift in (costing under $10) for a game. The initial letter of the gift should be the same as the initial letter of the student’s name who brings it. Encourage your middle schoolers and high schoolers to attend this fun event with their church family as Christmas approaches.
All ages are encouraged to join us for caroling with seniors! From 2-4pm on Sunday, December 15, a group of CVCC members will spend time with several of our senior members singing carols and spreading smiles and cheer. Please plan to be a part of this time, then go from this event to the All-Church Christmas Party in Moorpark. A fun-filled day for the CVCC church famiily!

All-Church Christmas Party. The congregation is invited to a very special Conejo holiday gathering on Sunday, December 15, beginning at 5pm at the home of Rick and Paula Marrs. Make plans now to come share in a delightful evening filled with warm holiday fellowship, Christmas carols, and tasty treats. Please bring substantial hors d’oeuvres or a favorite dessert to share.

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