Sunday, June 14, the youth group will be in charge of the online worship service. We look forward to the message that will be shared with us from our young people.

Our 2020 senior graduates will be recognized on this day as well. Normally, we recognize them as we gather for worship at the building, we present them with Bibles, and then we gather for a banquet in the evening to honor them. In lieu of that since we are currently unable to physically gather together, there will be a portion of the online service that announces their graduation, future plans, and presents their senior photos. From 5 – 6 p.m. on June 14, there will be an opportunity for our members to do a 2020 senior drive by in honor of our graduates. They will have their photo collages set up on tables in the church parking lot and be present for you to drive by and celebrate them. This will be an opportunity for you to give them cards and love for this accomplishment. We are proud of our 2020 graduates, as they have had to make sacrifices that no recent graduating class has had to make. Please come and support them on June 14. Stay tuned for information on which seniors will be present for the drive by!

Rene Heard
Author: Rene Heard