Conejo Valley Church of Christ
"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35 (NIV)Life at Conejo
Current Sermon Series
During our annual 40-Day Spiritual Adventure we are delving into a number of Biblical teachings about the meaning of the crucifixion of Jesus.
Bible Classes and Small Groups
We’re thankful to be back together for worship services, Bible classes, and small groups.
Winter and Spring Activities
Your presence, thoughts, journey of faith, and encouragement matter to this body of believers! We look forward to journeying with you this year.
A Mosaic of Love
God gives us unique talents, strengths, opinions, and experiences and then calls us to live and work and love together. Can we learn to disagree better….?
CVCC Youth Ministry
Journey with us and learn more and more what Jesus meant when he said, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”
2025 Mission Trip
Thank you for your prayerful and financial support as we build the 2025 CVCC Mission Team.
Children’s Ministry Connections
Our children’s worship experience includes singing, prayer, scripture memory, and Bible stories.
Online Giving
We are grateful for your support of our church. We now have the option to give online.
Current Sermon Series
Scandalous Good News:
The Multifaceted Richness of the Cross
COVID: Five Years On
Five years ago this past week, life as we knew it came to a grinding halt as planet earth experienced the skyrocketing spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was the week we experienced the cancellation of professional conferences, sporting events, music concerts, cultural events, and live classes in schools and universities. I knew it was bad when Saint Patrick’s day parades were cancelled in Dublin!
Flourishing Families
Home of Andy and Carrie WallMarriage and parenting can be challenging! Join us as we share the journey of loving God, each other, and neighbors in our homes and families. Crafted with families and parents […]
Life Group at the Reynolds
Home of TJ and Suzanne Reynolds 2237 Hillsbury Road, Westlake Village, CALife Group at the Reynolds will resume on Wednesday, September 4 from 6:45-8pm. We will be viewing and discussing portions of "The Chosen: Season 4." Join this group for Bible […]
Conejo Academy Tutoring
Tutoring takes place weekly on Thursdays at Conejo Academy (formerly Conejo Elementary School). Being a tutor means spending an hour each week with first grade students, and helping them with […]
Life Group at the Fosters
Home of Bill and Melissa FosterThis weekly group will share in a combination of book and video series this fall starting with Josh Ross's book, "Coreology: Six Principles for Navigating an Election Season Without Losing […]
Saturday Guys’ Golf Outing
Los Robles Golf CourseGolfers, come and join us for the back nine breakfast special at Los Robles Greens golf course. $40 covers nine holes of golf, breakfast, and golf cart. Tee times are […]
Bible Class
Each Sunday, we offer a variety of Bible classes for all ages. Classes begin at 9am.