
Current Sermon Series

Current Sermon Series

Our Lenten sermon theme for this year is “More Than Meets the Eye.” During the next month and a half, we’ll be reflecting on various Biblical characters who encountered God or met Jesus and were chagrined, challenged, and ultimately changed by that encounter. Join us...
Alpha Groups

Alpha Groups

We believe everyone should have the chance to explore the Christian faith, ask questions, and share their point of view. Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith. Each talk looks at a different question and is designed to create open conversation....
Date Night: Couple Checkup

Date Night: Couple Checkup

A happy, long-lasting marriage does not just happen. A healthy marriage is among God’s greatest blessings, but it does require our effort to make it last.  With that thought in mind we are offering a new date night series on Saturday nights, January 11 through...
Rest. Rise. Soar.

Rest. Rise. Soar.

Many of the women of our congregation enjoyed a weekend together at the Murrieta Hot Springs Christian Conference Center on the weekend of March 6-8. They were encouraged to take time away from their schedules to Rest so that they could then Rise with the Lord and...
Advent Sermon Series

Advent Sermon Series

During this Advent’s sermon series, titled “Tell it Slant,” we’re taking as our point of departure a poem by Emily Dickinson (see below). The poem “Tell all the truth” reflects on the idea that some truths are too overwhelming to be received “head...
Service Opportunities

Service Opportunities

God has blessed us so that we can be a blessing in the lives of others. Click any heading below to learn about that  opportunity to serve people in the area. Helping Hands Community Food Pantry This is an ongoing opportunity to partner with a nearby Messianic temple...
Family Advent Experience

Family Advent Experience

Join us for a walk-through experience of Emmanuel. Families will travel to six different stations where Bible characters and storytellers will share the story leading up to the birth of Jesus. Sign up required for start time. Please click here to sign up for your...
Armloads of Love

Armloads of Love

This Thanksgiving holiday season, we enjoyed the opportunity to share groceries and a potluck meal with our neighbors.  We gathered food items, prayed over them, and then dispersed them to thirty families who joined us for a potluck dinner to celebrate the season and...
Holiday Events and Activities

Holiday Events and Activities

As this year draws to a close, we hope that you will join us for times of worship, fellowship, service, and celebration. Armloads of Love. For many years, the congregation has been blessed to share food items with families in our neighborhood on the Sunday before...
Children’s Fort Dedication

Children’s Fort Dedication

Our playground is a vital space for both our Children’s Ministry and our entire congregation. We use it as a welcoming place, a gathering place, and a learning place for our kids and our church family. Recently, we dedicated our new children’s fort for use...